The female body is not only unique but is extremely resilient and powerful. Despite all the wonders a female body does, many women are unaware of the significance. This is because women’s bodies are often used as a political tool where lawmakers subject them to blatantly discriminative rules and regulations.

Marcus Aurelius/Pexels | Women’s bodies are seen as some inside secret, leading to less awareness and dialogue about their bodies
So, let’s break the barrier and check out these facts about vaginas that you probably didn’t know.
1. Vaginal Fart Is Clean
Yes, your vagina farts but, the term used for it is not ‘farts,’ rather they are called ‘queefs’ or ‘varts.’ They are completely normal but the interesting thing about them is that they are perfectly clean. Regular farts that come out from the rectum contain fecal matter and have an unpleasant odor. On the other hand, queefs are completely odorless and clean.
2. The Smell Down There
There is a great misconception that vaginas should smell like nothing or they should have a watery smell. This assumption is not only wrong but, is damaging as well as it puts young girls under the impression that if they don’t smell like anything, their hygiene must be lacking. This results in them using various products which only makes matters worse. Every vagina out there comes with its own smell. However, it is important to note that there are many factors that can influence it like diet, the fabric of the cloth, level of hygiene, gland secretions, and the range of normal bacteria present.

Pixabay/Pexels | Don’t worry too much about smelling like flowers and rainbows down there
3. No Vagina Found
It is estimated that one in 5000 to 7000 female babies are born without a vagina. This is a rare condition in which the vagina doesn’t develop partially or entirely in the womb. It is also associated with kidney or skeletal problems as well. Sometimes, the doctors are quick to point it out after birth but most women only discover it when they reach puberty. Doctors can provide help depending on the condition: either through treatment or creating a vagina through surgery or self-dilation.

Vidal Balielo/Pexels | Science and medicine have come a long way
So, what do you think of these facts?