For centuries, scientists have been obsessed with genetically modifying literally everything from food to even your pets. Before genetic modification was introduced, selective breeding was done. For example, if you wanted a particular fungus-resistant breed of corn then you would have had to plant an entire plot of corn to get seeds that resisted the fungus. Then over the span of a few years, you would have had a strain of corn plant that was resistant to fungus.
That sounds like a simple method, right? With the advancement of science, modification methods also developed, which lead to genetic engineering. Here, scientists insert particular genes into an animal or plant to get the desired result in a short time. So, let's talk about genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Maria Orlova/Pexels | Let’s dive into the world of GMOs
1. How Are GMOs Created?
In order to create GMOs, scientists have to study the organisms to understand which gene controls the specific trait that you’re looking for. Once they’re able to find it, they duplicate the genetic information for that trait and place it into the DNA of that particular organism. When they grow the organism, it will yield the desired genetic information, showing all genetic traits.

Edward Jenner/Pexels | It’s like copy and paste but for genetic information
This is a work-in-progress. Genetic engineers are still working hard to make the process easier. They can improve the crops' quality by building resistance and immunity against viruses and pests. It is also seen as a possible way to increase the ‘shelf-life’ of the crops.
Are GMOs Safe To Eat?
Now that you know what GMOs are, you probably want to know if they’re safe to eat or not. The answer is yes till now. There is no proper evidence yet that indicates that crops become dangerous after they’re genetically modified. People still may not be comfortable with the idea of a food item having a tag that says ‘bioengineered’ or ‘derived from bioengineering.’ However, it doesn’t change the fact that they are safe to eat.

Pixabay/Pexels | So, don’t hesitate to visit this aisle next time when you go grocery shopping.
Hence, if you ever find out that your favorite fast food has been genetically modified, do not worry!