Fast-food kids' meals often deliver the convenience we cherish, but behind the appeal hides a monster that will eat up a whole generation. Single servings of these fast food choices pack children's bodies with unmanageable minerals. They are the biggest contributors to the current obesity, hypertension, and diabetes crises in children. Here are some of the meals you should take away from your children's menu.
Chick-Fil-A Kids Grilled Nuggets Kids Meal
Chick-Fil-A's Grilled Nuggets Kids Meal may sound healthy, but it contains 1,390 mg of sodium. Your child only requires 1,200 mg daily. This excess sodium will increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart issues. Select meals with lower sodium to keep children's hearts healthy and strong.
McDonald’s Cheeseburger Happy Meal
The amounts of calories and sodium needed by your child are significantly lower than what McDonald's Cheeseburger Happy Meal delivers. With such high sodium and calorie intake, your child will be exposed to the risk of developing obesity and hypertension. For healthier growth and development, the intake should be controlled.
Sonic Kids’ Jr. Burger Meal
Sonic's Kids’ Jr. Burger Meal contains substantial amounts of fat and sodium. It's another culprit in the constantly increasing cases of obesity and hypertension among children. Healthier choices, like grilled chicken or fresh fruit, will be ideal for your child. Opt for meals with the right quantities of minerals and nutrients.
Burger King Hamburger Kids Meal
Burger King's Hamburger Kids Meal comes with large quantities of unhealthy fats and sodium. When consumed frequently, the chances of your child developing weight and heart problems significantly increase. It would be vital for the child to consume organic foods. Healthier options promote better growth and overall well-being.
Denny’s Build Your Own Jr. Grand Slam
If your children eat a lot of this food, they're consuming dangerous amounts of sugar, trans fats, and sodium. While minerals are vital for growth, excessive amounts can be hazardous to their health. They are at risk of gaining an unhealthy weight, which is responsible for several other complications.
TGI Fridays Kids’ Sliders with Cheese
This is another item on the menu for your kids that could be damaging them slowly. With the outrageous amounts of unhealthy fats, you are creating a host for several lifestyle diseases in your child. Instilling the culture of healthy eating in children at a young age would save you from future medical bills.
Friendly's Tie Dyed Pancakes with M&M's
Friendly's tie-dyed pancakes with M&M's are not friendly to your kids after all. The artificial colors and sugar packed in this meal spell doom for your children's health. There are several healthier food choices for children, including whole-grain pancakes. The meal is an invitation to obesity and diabetes in children.
Chili's Kids Crispy Crispers
These are loaded with unhealthy fats and excessive sodium. It is such foods that explain the current obesity and heart health crises we are seeing in our children. High fat and sodium levels are the culprits. Learn to say no to your kids when they choose unhealthy options such as this.
Olive Garden Kids Pepperoni Pizza
Olive Garden's Kids Pepperoni Pizza contains 720 calories and 1,360 milligrams of sodium. The requisite intake of these minerals is way below what your child is fed. All you will get out of this is obesity, heart disease, and poor cognitive development. Children should be protected by ensuring they eat and live healthy.
IHOP Jr. Chicken Strips Dinner
With the levels of calories and salts in this meal, the only outcome you expect is hospital visits. Consuming this makes the child a frequent guest in facility corridors. They'll have to deal with excessive weight and failing vital organs if they keep doing this. Choosing balanced meals supports healthier growth.