There comes a time in a man’s life when he prepares himself to settle down and finally put on his Dad-pants. At this point in his life, he can’t randomly go out or stay out away for long because he has a little one waiting for him at home. Contrary to popular opinion, dads are not only the fun parents but they are just as capable of taking care of their children as any other woman. Some men even prove to be great single parents, a notion that even science agrees with. Recent studies have shown that fathers are just as capable of understanding their children as the mother. Plus, they are better at making their children happy!
With that, here are some facts about fathers that you might enjoy.
1. The Origin of the Word ‘Dad’
It is said that the word ‘dad’ was first recorded in the year 1500 but researchers believe that this term is much older than that. They theorize that the first words a child says are pretty universal. For example, the word ‘dad’ is referred to as ‘tad’ in Welsh, ‘daid’ in Irish, ‘tatah’ in Sanskrit, and ‘tete’ in Lithuanian.
2. A Smart Dad Means Smart Children
If the father is educated, it can easily influence the child’s ability to succeed in school. By contrast, children are seven times more likely to fail at school if their father is uneducated. In comparison, a child is three times more likely to fail at school if the mother is uneducated. This is because most of the households are patriarchal in nature, which means if the father doesn’t promote education, the children will not strive for it either. Studies have also revealed that fathers who actively participate in their children’s lives have kids who are less prone to substance abuse, consume less alcohol, and generally lead healthy lives.
3. Sympathy Pregnancy
Pregnancy is not an easy task, especially due to the fact that a woman’s body changes and goes through a number of issues during the process. It is also not easy seeing your partner deal with these changes and as a result, some fathers develop a couvade syndrome called ‘sympathy pregnancy’ in which they face similar symptoms as their significant other such as a change in hormone levels, vomiting, weight gain, and nausea.
Don’t these facts make you want to appreciate your father more?